
Posted on an other weblog of mine, but forgotten to post on the J&B Weblog and still interesting reading ... Feel free to comment!!

Below you'll find a link to an article in the Nation, and English Thai Newspaper. This article gives another view about gay life here in Thailand. I have to admit that most of it is a true and honest observation, which we foreigners, or farang as we are called here, are not aware off, specially when here on holiday!

But while living here in Thailand, I sofar haven't witnessed much in this area, no experiences to share with you which confirms to content of this atricle. Nonetheless, the stories I hear from Thai gay men, the articles I read in the English Thai newspapers, what I can hear on Thai television, as long as it is in English, all confirm in general what is being said in it.
But most of al, its content runs paralell to several books Kik made me read here, like Ladyboys, the secret world of Thailand's third gender, published by Maverick House, which is a collection of 9 life stories of ladyboys. ALso the book Bangkok Boy, by Chai Pinit, the story of a stolen childhood, also by Maverick House. This is also a book which gives you a pretty honest look in a certain part of Thai life. Those two books are really food for thought, as the saying goes, if not mistaken.
And I don't know if I wrote allready pieces about it, but it also fits the bill as farang seen as mr ATM's, or as dutch would say Mr Flappentap, as an extension to how Thai gay people are being regarded, namely "same same but different".
IN other words, we farang often complain about being seen just as mobile ATM machines, never forget that most gay thai men and ladyboys, or the third gender, are regarded by their families as the same thing, only in general they can spill out less amounts of money then the farang can and run dry earlier as well.

This though is not allways done deliberatly I also have to admit, its simple a consequence of the picking order in a family. And this article gives a wonderfull little insight in just that.
It's a battle EVERY farang has to go trough when going into a relationship with a Thai gay guy. Also yours truly. But then again, don't complain about it, they can not help it, and you cannot help it when you make your first mistakes with it. But one has to learn quickly how to deal with it and how to 'control' a situation like that, not only for your own protection, but also for your partner's!!!

Well, enjoy reading this article, and feel free to comment after having read it. If not too undecent, all comments will be placed ;-)


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