
Just to remember you all of all the 3 weblogs you can visit:

Right: Last tones gone, Mr Nok finished the last little show on the last night of J&B, beautifull, dramatic and very funny all in one ...... and now we all wait patiently for the new lokation and a wonderfull openingshow as a kickoff ;-)

And so, for your pleasure, enjoyment, or what ever I hereby give the 3 weblogs again in which at least every week a contribution of my hand is entered in either one, two or all three of them ;-)

If you are interested in specefic entries in one or more weblogs, I learned that you can become a "follower" of that weblog, and so one will automatically get informed if an entry is made in that specefic weblog.

Every weblog allows me also to enter 10 persons who wil automatically get informed about an entry in that weblog. I tried to put some names, emaildresses in there of whom I tohught that they for sure would be interested. If emailadress If, when you are one of them, but prefer to find out yourself about new entries, please let me know and I will remove you from that very exclusive little list, hehe


Which is about Robs adventures. Some entries though are in Dutch here... and if one is interested as non dutch speaking/reading person, then you can ask me about it ;-)


Which is mainly about things having to do with the preparations, the weddings and the marriage of me with Kik... my entries here are somewhat irregular but nonetheless at times they give a good insight in some of the problems and joys we have to deal with ;-)


last but not least, this weblog is about our bar, which is temporary closed till we have found a new lokation. Hopefullly before the new high season starts (at least thats how it will be officially called but most sadly it will probably just be an improvement of the lowseason this year)

And please feel free to react or to ask me to enter stories about specific subject if and when you so like!

Okay, enjoy, have fun and above all stay healthy in every respect!!! ;-)


Two little, non related reviews...

These last 2 weeks, while constantly looking for the right location and oportunity to continue the J&B Bar way at a different location as before, I offcourse also run into a lot of different places. bars, gogo bars, cabarets but also restaurants etc.

Today I will write a little bit over two places I visited lately, though not at all ubknown with them from previous weeks/months/years, hehe

Earlier this week I went out for a meal and a little walk around with my dear friend RB, an australian from Perth and former regular guest of J&B, and who now lives here in Phuket.
I took him to the little restaurant I often pointed out to guests of J&B and which is situated next to C&N Hotel, in the little soi running left of the hotel aaand oposite the 'backentrance' of the hotels massage business.
Its called Sebai sebai, if I am correct and run by a couple of THai ladies.
The rpices of the food and drink is very resenable if not cheap compared to its quality. Its located on a little concrete raised floor with an iron canope over it and very wel lit (for me a big plus... not only because of my poor eyesight but also because I like to read and when alone I do that a lot, also during a meal).
The softdrinks are priced around 30/40 baht aaaaand shakes are all 30 baht. The average dish prices between 40/50 and 100 baht, with fish dishes as much as around 200 baht. Compared with most restaurants in and around Paradise thats more then reasonable I believe ;-)
IN the past I ate their chicken in yellow curry, duck in red chilly cury, their chicken sate,,,,, pad thai, their selection of omelettes, etc. And I can tell you, one gets not to much, but definitly also not to little ;-) The service is simple but eficient aaaaBUT one has to wait his turn when waiting for the food, because they have only a small kitchen and everything is prepared fresh. So when its busy one has to wait a little... but who cares (in general) because the food is simply good and one is often in no hurry as well. Haha, and with a book, time allways flies as well as in good company!

All the menioned dishes I can recommend easily, as well as Tom Ka Khai (though I prefer to eat that dish at 1st of Seafood, located in the little soi opposite C&N Hotel), their garlic bread, etc.... O, and do not be surprised that when you order something which you think of as an appetizer, that it arrives after your designed maindish ;-)
Just go with the flow and am sure when you visit the place you will leave happy and content........... as I am happy to say most of you guys did when I recommended the place to you ;-)

Afterwards my friend RB aaaaaaaaaaaaaand I made a walk around Bangla Road, Beachroad and back the other way in the direction of Paradise, because we wanted to see if it was so quite everywhere and not alone in Paradise. As we discovered it was, relativly ofocurse, because of the 100% tourist, only 5 up till 10 % is averagly gay (when one follows the statisics that is)... and qwe could not help to feel sorry for most of the smal business owners and all those hard working people who try to make an honest living in and around this bussing nightlife area of Phukets patong Beach.

When walking the last leg of our walkabout, we passed the sign if the to some wel know Superboys, and we dicided to have a look.. to see how they were doing, what changes might have taken place.

Well, happy to say, the place is not changed, hehe... its still that naughty place with boys who like to challenge the customer if the customer shows any interest at all (and one should, when one enters a place like that haha otherwise whats the use going there?). The music is like everywhere else but same time one feels a bit more private there and free to be a little bit more naughty then one would otherwise be.
Some of you I took there in the past, so they will know what I mean, hehe
The boys gave me and RB ofocurse all their attention and we had a hard time fighting ourselfs not to be too tempted to take one or more with us.... yea yea, I know......
2 weeks before, when feeling pretty lonely I took one of their boys with me to hang out inParadise and simply to accompany me to have a good time, and he did a most marvelous job ..... in the end both of us were surprised not only about the amount of people we both seemed to know but aklso that we had lot of them in common as well... haha, so much for wanting to have a night out without too many knowing about it..... but for most of oyu that will not be a problem, as it wasn't for me, I assure you ;-)
But it is good to bump into a guy who knows how to be a good, entertaining host, speaks decent english, knows his way around and is not shy!
In generla Superboys has more of these kind of guys working for them, and as such its a nice way to step out of the Paradise world for a change and jump in something else, though ofcourse: different but same same ;-)

O, price wise, Superboy, being of the beaten track, is not cheaper, though one can not help feeling better entertasined while there... at least, thast how my friend RB and I allways seem to fele when paying them the odd visit every so many weeks....
and to think, its just a few minutes walk from paradise soi ;-)

I will try to make a few pictures later so it will be more easy to recognise when you get back here in Patong!

And again, do not pay attenton to typing mistakes etc.... because I am simply too lasy to check everything on spelling, etc... otherwise nothing gets typed on this or one of my other weblogs ;-)


The Search...

For a new location of J&B Bar or whatever name we might come up with, is in full swing!
For us here J&B stands for the way we like to work, the kind of bar/location we like to have aaand the kind of atmosphere we like to offer our customers when they come to Patong Beach Phuket.

It is still hard/ not easy to find the right location for that. We have been offered locations allready in the main gay soi. But while very tempting to do, it has a lot of risks and as such we decided that even when we would do/make a step into the main gay soi, it would not be the J&B way of working as you all have gotten accustomed to this last year. We would and will still be searching for the best location outsite the main gay soi.
Maybe if we go ahead with a location in the main soi as well, it would be more like a satelite then anything more, of whatever enterprise we like to run outsite of the main soi.

We also start to consider looking for location outsite Paradise as well, but also outsite Paradise location is very important: easy to reach, easy access to the gay businesses in Patong, ergo Paradise, easy access to the other main businesses and entertainment area's of Patong Beach, like JungCeylon, Bangla Road, Hotels, Beach, etc.... so our location can again be a good meeting point for gay tourists as well as local gay peple, also the ones who do not like to go into Paradise. More and more we encounter gays here who, though gay and knowing quite a few people here, do not like to go into pParadise.

Well, the search goes on, and becomes more serious by the day!

Also we do not want to pay any keymoney etc. just rent....why? You mighty think, if thats the custom...
Well, several reasons actually:
We do not like such a financial burden, specially with the economy being down and lot of you guys back home not bing sure if you can make it back to Phuket at all to start with... one cna only spend his euro, dollar, baht only once ;-)
Also we would like, for more or less same reasons, to be able to keep our prices reasonable, more affordable for when you come back to stay with us! Its no fun if you discover that all of a sudden you find out you pay actually same or more for the drinks as compared with home (as I discovered when I returned here after a 6 weeks stay in Hollland).
The governement has raised taxes on alcohol and sigarettes with 20% (!!), ssso thats quite an amount to take into consideration and we would like you to enjoy Patong Beach Phuket as much as possble in the same way as you have been used to.
Now for some of you this doesn't make too much of a difference, but for others among you it is important to know you have agreeable places to go to where one can enjoy and still feel one is not over spending at the same time...

Well, considerations maybe not to relevant for our guests who come down (orup) here for their hollidays, but of importance to our guestst who try to live here on Phuket and when one likes to atract the local gay community in the proces as well.

The economic downturn the world economy has taken is something which is not passing by the Thai, even though they like to have it look that way, it doesn't!
Take also into consideration the political turmoil of the last 8/10 months and the international reactions to the events as a result of that, as well as what might be expected.

We of J&B feel that we must do our utmost that whatever location we decide on to continue the formula of the way of work, as we started out on our old location, we can present a well run business with continuity. A place which one can call "home a way from home". A place where you like to start or end your day in Patong Phuket, a place where you know the service is up to standard, your hosts do all that they can do to give you a good time while here, and you find help to/easy access to the relaxing fun Patong also can offer you while we of J&B are still able to serve you with the best and most honest advice you can get in Gay Patong.

Ergo, maybe a tall order... the location doens't need to be big, but well placed.... and for the time being ofocurse we hope it will be in Paradise and otherwise we hope it will be well placed not far from Paradise.................. because not withstanding the economic crisis, Patong continues to develop.........
and also the gay community will develop with it, in and outsite Paradise.

We keep you informed and please, if you have any idears and thoughts about our quest for a new location, please do not keep it away from us, but let us know, so our little comunity can be a true soundboard.
"More" allwasy knows more then "one"!!



Back in Phuket and as such back on the road on behalf of J&B. The real surch for a new location will start next week and already feel some vibes... now the only thing is to discover which are real and which are a lot of hot air (of which we have a lot here ofcourse, haha).
But the surch wil be boring ofcourse except when we get close to some kind of deal... so in the maintime I think it might be good/handy to write some reviews and other things about businesses here in Patong and then mainly the gay orientated ones.

AND if you have any requests for me of places you like me to scout for you or to right a coment on, or persons for that matter you are interested in, don't hesitate to ask... if I can it wil be my pleasure to oblidge you!!

So, thats what you can expect of me these comming days/weks/months and hope to se all, of at least most of you sometime during this year ahead of us... and ofocurse hoping that all of you are not being hit too hard by this economic downturn we all seem to find ourself into.

Okay, see uyou all soon ;-)


Free BBQ and snacks on Queensnight at J&B's

Not only did we serve typical Dutch snacks as mentioned in the previous entry, but also we prepared delicious chicken sate and fruit. On this pic a few of our staff is visible preparing the food for our guests in plenty, because we at J&B hate to run short of anything.... though in the end it was, as we should have known from previous occasions, the Dutch snacks we ran out of due to its high demand by farang and Thai a like ;-) (Except ofcourse the "frites" or french fries as they are called everywhere else in the world).
ON the left we can see Cid keeping a watchfull eye on the BBQ-tables if all goes as well as we liked it to go!

Queensnight & J&B's last couple of hours on its 'present' location !

Picture left: Though low season is allready hitting Patong full in everybodies face, we at J&B's didn't complain about the amount of people who joined us in celebrating Queensnight on the eve of Queensday in The Netherlands...

But first a few words about
Black Queensday

Read entry in www.mpgsadventures.blogspot.com about Black Queensday.
A foul exception of what has allways been such a happy and unity bringing day for our Dutch people and whomever took the trouble celebrating it with, on this day, happy crazy Dutch people will know what I mean when saying these words!
Read my little entry on my other weblog if you like. Much appreciated though!!

Queensnight at J&B bar

At J&B's we decided to celebrate not only the Dutch Queensnight but same time the end of the High Season here in Phuket Thailand and........ yea yea, as some of you heard allready from me earlier while visiting our bar, the closing of J&B at its present location for the low season and using this period the find and create a new and better J&B!! Ready latest to open its doors well before the start of the next High Season.... whatever that might hold for all of us here in Phuket!
And we would not be J&B if we wouldn't close our season with a cool and pleasing party for all who enjoyed participating in it!
The Queensnight celebration started at 2300 hours and lasted till well after 2 am this time, but by then it had also turned into a small wake because J&B was, after al, closing its doors at its present location so some tears were spend on that as well. As it should be! We have a lot of god memories attached to J&B of which Cid and Kik hold the most and lucky me had the opportunity to share many of those these last 6 months! Ofcourse we also hope that most or all of you readers will share same sentiments.
Because our celebration was more or less a "3 in 1" party, we served typical Dutch snacks like "bitterballen" and "vlammetjes", "frites" or french fries as they are called all over the world, and for a toast on the Dutch Queen we used "jenever", a typical Dutch drink which one can not get in Thailand and as such one is not allowed to sell. Instead we gave a glass to every customer and friend who came to J&B's after midnight to toast with me/us on the good health HM Queen Beatrix. It was funny though how in general the Thai reacted on tasting jenever, even when receiving just one little glass of the stuff, haha... and to think they are used to drink (Thai) whiskey, tequila and all that stuff combined in one evening of regular drinking. jenever proved to be somewhat different for them and we all had the more fun because of that ;-)

After the last performance I, Rob, announced that we woulkd shut down J&B latest 1st of May on its present location and were looking forward to move to a better location within paradise Complex before latest september or as soon as we can manage to secure the right place for J&B to continue better then it had till now. I was happy that this announcement was greeted by chears and applause by our customers and friends.

We wil keep you all informed via this weblog about our progress in this repect and we all hope we can me good on our promiss to return better then we have ben sofar!!
Next to updates about the search for a new location I will also enter little reviews of new places (re)opening in Paradise, some restaurants nearby etc.!

I hereby like to thank not only our staff for all their loyalty to J&B, but specially also to Cid and Kik. Cid as the previous owner of J&B who stayed very much involved with J&B and Kik who helped him these past years and who managed J&B after we took over last November. But most of all we like to thank our customers who made it all so worthwhile and fun to do.
I am still surprised of all these interesting people I had the honor of talking too while they visited J&B.. may htye be farang/tourists or Thai...I thak you all for a wonderfull experience and look forward to welcome you with Kik and our staff at our new location, where ever that might be, latest sometime september!


Posted on an other weblog of mine, but forgotten to post on the J&B Weblog and still interesting reading ... Feel free to comment!!

Below you'll find a link to an article in the Nation, and English Thai Newspaper. This article gives another view about gay life here in Thailand. I have to admit that most of it is a true and honest observation, which we foreigners, or farang as we are called here, are not aware off, specially when here on holiday!

But while living here in Thailand, I sofar haven't witnessed much in this area, no experiences to share with you which confirms to content of this atricle. Nonetheless, the stories I hear from Thai gay men, the articles I read in the English Thai newspapers, what I can hear on Thai television, as long as it is in English, all confirm in general what is being said in it.
But most of al, its content runs paralell to several books Kik made me read here, like Ladyboys, the secret world of Thailand's third gender, published by Maverick House, which is a collection of 9 life stories of ladyboys. ALso the book Bangkok Boy, by Chai Pinit, the story of a stolen childhood, also by Maverick House. This is also a book which gives you a pretty honest look in a certain part of Thai life. Those two books are really food for thought, as the saying goes, if not mistaken.
And I don't know if I wrote allready pieces about it, but it also fits the bill as farang seen as mr ATM's, or as dutch would say Mr Flappentap, as an extension to how Thai gay people are being regarded, namely "same same but different".
IN other words, we farang often complain about being seen just as mobile ATM machines, never forget that most gay thai men and ladyboys, or the third gender, are regarded by their families as the same thing, only in general they can spill out less amounts of money then the farang can and run dry earlier as well.

This though is not allways done deliberatly I also have to admit, its simple a consequence of the picking order in a family. And this article gives a wonderfull little insight in just that.
It's a battle EVERY farang has to go trough when going into a relationship with a Thai gay guy. Also yours truly. But then again, don't complain about it, they can not help it, and you cannot help it when you make your first mistakes with it. But one has to learn quickly how to deal with it and how to 'control' a situation like that, not only for your own protection, but also for your partner's!!!

Well, enjoy reading this article, and feel free to comment after having read it. If not too undecent, all comments will be placed ;-)


Queensnight or The End of High Season Part at J&B's!!

Picture Right: We do not expect as many people on our Queensnight as on our Orange party, simply because at the moment there are way less tourists here with us in Patong Beach, hence we also call it The End of the High Season Party. BUT we do hope we will again enjoy a very pleasent and special evening as our 'regular' customers have come to expect of us ;-)
By the way: Queensnight is celebrated in Holland on the evening/night before the Dutch celebrate the official birthday of the head of state of The Netherlands, Queen Beatrix. Queensnight in Holland is most famous in and around the city of The Hague where hundred of thousand people come together to celebrate and party.
Yours truly comes from the area of The Hague, hence our idear to create a very small version of Queensnight here at J&B's!

So, hereby the invitation of our last party of the high season 2008/2009. We do hope that those in/near or around Patong Beach Phuket will join us this night to say farewell to the high season 2008/2009, saying "hello" to the low season 2009 and the break it gives us all to prepare for the new high season 2009/2010:

J&B Bar,
The place to unwind and relax. To meet new people and make new friends!!
Invites you
The end of the High Season Celebration
Wensday the 29th of April

17.00 – 19.00 :
Happy Hour: buy 1 get 1 free !

19.00 – 21.00:
Coffee & Tea Party
All our regular coffee 60 Baht, all our special or naughty coffee 180 Baht!
With free extra’s

23.00 – 02.00:
Queensnight party
With on midnight a special toast on
Queen Beatrix of The Netherlands,
with free BBQ and some typical Dutch snacks as well as special entertainment.

We invite everybody to join us and to wear something green and/or orange

Behind the Blue Dolphin in the centre of Paradise Complex in front of The Royal Paradise Hotel!

More information: www.jbbarphuket.tk
Phone: Rob 080 14 18 180 (Dutch, English, German)
Kik 084 690 8197 (Thai & Japanese)



These last weeks when driving home from/to the bar or other places I often think of my weblogs and subjects to write about. I also formulate whole little stories to tell about what is happening here, or with me and/or Kik etc..... but then when back home distraction hits from all corners and before I know it I simply forgot what I wanted to write or report about. From funny things, to the more serious, including frustrations as a "farang" (= foreigner) in for me a strange country, culture etc. ....
Stupid in a way because it is hard to follow and make reading my weblogs decent on once list of things one likes to do!

I hereby apologise to all who tok the trouble to look regular into one of my 3 weblogs and not finding new entries in them, time and time again.
But I simply do not like to give up, not on you who read them, and not on myself wanting to report my troubles and tribulations, as me, as in my marriage as well as with the bar and all that goes with it.
So again I made a whole list of subjects I should tackle and write about... sofar 27 in total.
Now you would say: good show, finally.... well I can only say, making that list is easier then executing writing about all these subjects.
Well, those who know me now I can be a stuborn guy........ so lets how that that stuborness will come to something in this case of reporting more regular.
Receiving feedback, questions, etc. wil be very much appreciated ofcourse!!

IMPORTANT: If you like to know when a new entry is published, you can become a follower of the weblog you like to follow. May it be this blog or one or both other blogs as well.....it seems to be very easy to do and one doesn't need to go to my weblogs everytime to see if a new entry has been posted. Very easy and handy for those interested!!
My other weblogs are:

Also, a few people have been entered by me so they get an e-mail of every new entry in one of my weblogs. Please, if you do not like this, feel free to let me know and I'll remove your e-mail from this exclusive little list, I won't hold it against you ;-)

Greetings and please keep me focussed when I stay silent to long!!



The 'farewell' performers on Dea's last night at Temple

Here the group who all performed show numbers of Simon in the Temple for Dea.
You can find Kik on the right, front of the picture. I thought it very brave of him to do the funny number which is part of every cabaretshow here in Thailand, even when given in Temple only for their friend Dea and her mother and uncle.
I had to get used to making pictures of collegues and friends in front of the coffin, something we in the west not easily do or want, for that matter.
In the midle you see the lady in red, (s)he goes by the name of Katherine and she impressed me the most of all with her performace, which was not only perfect, but also full with emotion, expression and involvement!!
Afterwards when giving her my compliments on what she had just done, she simple collapsed in tears, (s)he had lost her sister/brother she said and this was the last thing she could do for her. Wel, I can assure you all, if you would have been there, you would all have felt the emotion in her performance, even more extraordinary if you know it was all lipsing....

A Friend of Kiks passed away too early....

The last week(s) of February, and the first half of march the staff of J&B who also works at Simon Cabaret, where very pre occupied with the (sudden) illniss and the dying of their 25 year old friend Dea. Between the 10th and 15th of march they were all consumed by giving Dea the best farewell they could manage to give. And ofcourse as J&B and yours truly Rob, we did our best to help them do just that.
And am grateful they didn't had to do it all alone, Simon as an organisation grasped the seriousness and they did also everything possible to accomodate as good a farewell as was possible.
IN this picture here you see not only the coffin but also a group picture in front of it, taken after a private show, given by Simon for Dea, her mother. Here you see most of the ladyboys of Simon with the mother and uncle of Dea in the middle.
I was honoured being asked to be pressent as well. And also Kik performed a (funny) number in Dea's honour!


Singing and clapping Happy Birthday around midnight for Cid... the chocolate cake in the front with 9 candles, if not mistaken, hehe. Its part of the traditional way of celebrating ones birthday........ people come to you to give you encouragements for your futur and best wishes and then singing for you at midnight. To the right you see a 'flower' arrangement, made completly by Kik and his good friend from Simons, known as Boy, as a encouragement gift for Cid. They have been working on this structure, made out of banana leaves and little flowers, which is made by very good friends or family for someone who has a special occasion. The bowl in which it stands was the bowl in which our flowerstructure (as I call in maybe unpolitly) was placed for kik and my wedding.... but thats was and is a different story about which you can read more on an other weblog (and if not mistaken one way or the other also linked to this one, hehe).

The only picture taken of me, but then it was allready close to 5 am in the morning during the Cids birthday afterparty in the Isaan karaoke Bar... we all got a little bit carried away... and well, once in a while I can enjoy looking funny, haha

Kik and friend perform a traditional Isaan dance for Cids birthday!

Two days before J&B organised and celebrated Carnaval we celebrated the birthday of our Cid, the Captain, as they sometimes call the person who runs a bar on behalf of its owners in their absence, or presence. Cid is also to previous owner of J&B Bar. And more importantly for us, he's Kik's very dear friend! Now, how old did he become, you ask.... well, I am free to say he turned 29 years old!
On the pic (right/above) you see me offering my congratulations and well wishes by putting a white piece of rope around his wrist, which is a very traditional THai way of congratulating a person and wishing him well in and for his futur!
On his request Kik organised a traditional Thai birthday party and to be more precize, a traditional Isaan party, from the North East of Thailand.
Ofocurse for everyone comming to the bar there was free food, and later in the evening we had two special little perormances of traditional Thai songs and dances...... and ofcourse, partly performed by Kik.
Around midnight the birthdaycake ceremony took place. I had bought a big chocolate cake from the Coffee Corner here in Paradise Complex, and I must say, it tasted pretty good...... gues in futur it will be their chocolate cakes we will purchase if we want to, because sofar that tasted far way the best ;-)

Ofocurse we had announced to our customers that we would celebrate a traditional Isaan birthday party, and that the music played would all be in that style and in the honor of Cid..... some customers though are not used to that style of music so aftera pretty long time they came asking if a more western tune could be played.......... in the ned we gave in ofcourse (customers are customers) and we played a few pieces of music the average farang allways knows how to appreciate.

All in all, allmost none of the customers who stopped by our bar or came to celebrate, left before we finished the party, so all in all it was, also for them, a very pleasant and happy party!

It was after 2 am when we finally closed the bar after having had a succesfull celebration of Cids birthday.......and ofcourse, totally in his style it was followed up elsewhere in Patong with Isaan Karaoke in his favorite Isaan karaoke bar.

Cid: Happy Birthday and a long and above all a happy, rewarding and prosperous life, you deserve it!!


2d Party, Carnaval, also a big succes.....

Left: BUsy preparing for the Carnavalparty, M busy with decorations and lamps, our Dutch friend/farang helping him, and DJ It (plays her discs on Bangla Road and in Boat Bar), who took care of parts of the music of that night watching on.... and 4 hours to go till kick off time ;-)

Mondag the 23d of February J&B Bar, this time together with More bar, organised a 2d 'night party' in Paradise Complex with again a wonderfull little show by Kik and his friends, ergo Kiks friends from Simon Cabaret. And also Leo, the Italian presented two acts again.
That the Thai find it hard to understand the meaning of carnaval and the style of music used during carnaval, was just a minor disttraction. One can not expect that they know all about our weird carnaval habits overnight.
In the end, as it turned out, I was the only one who actually dresed up weird/funny.. none of the Thai did, and none of the tourists who came... which made mee feel quite out of place but same time most of the 'farang' from Europe understood and appreciated my effort. The Thai thought it funny. My husband Kik though forbid me to go all the way on punishment of immidiate divorce, haha, and we negotiated the outfit which I wore in the end the whole evening.
Well, happy to say... sofar nobody send me a snap shot of me in that weird outfit, LOL, but then I think not even a digital camera would be able to deal with that, haha

BUT all in all this 2d party was also a succes, though still a lot to learn, to make more smooth and eficient, we allready made very decent progress compared with the Orange party. Ofocurse the amount of visitors was much less, so at first I was gloomy about the whole thing, but then reports came back in (sounds like a military operation, huh? haha) that the main gay street was relativly doing as well as during the Orange party, ergo, we did a damn good job.
Still, the music was better, the acts were better, the location of the acts improved and the set up of the party as whole improved significantly..... But I wouldn't be a typical Dutch guy if I wouldn't admit, or say, that there's still lots of room for improvement.

Preparation of a party is important, but thats one element with which the Thai seem to have a real big problem... everything sems to have to be organised at the last moment, which for a farang like me, is a real ordeal..... BUT a more then wonderfull learning experience again and above all I was happy to see that most customers enjoyed themselfs enormously.

So, I thank all our customers for not only truly enjoying our 2d party, but also being good sports for those moments that things didn't go as they should have been going.

Al in al it was a true suces again and I let the pics speak for themselfs ;-)

If any of you have any comments, or pics (even better) please share them with us!!


2d party, a new experiment to organise.....

Below you find the invitation to the 2d late evening/night parrty of J&B and More Bar. Carnaval is a really great and fun(ny)party-period in Europe and (Latin)America. In Venice, Italy they even take 12 days for it, but all carnavals, where ever they are and take place, all end latest on/before ash wensday, which this year will fall on the 24th of February.
Ash wenday itself is again 40 days before eastern, when the Christians celebrate the last days of Jesus Christ on earth, before his crucifixtion, and his ressuraction from the death 3 days later.

Well, as the heading of this blog entry allready says, the way this party is organised is different from the first one. For one night only J&B and More bar will not oparate as such but as one, and for one night only as well. Both bars hope that this way might prove to create a more smooth organisation that specially for the guests will work out better then the first party. Though we were all happy how the 1st party went, ofcourse we also noticed lots of room for improvement organisation wise. So we hope that this new construction might solve a couple of these so called (organisational) problems.
Nothing will or can be perfect, so ofcourse the insiders will notice enough things going wrong again, but above all we hope that all who decide to come and party with us, will, as last time, and as everytime, enjoy, have the real fun we promisse, and above all will be happy. Then we will be satisfied and happy as well!

AM sure that the entertainment by Kik and his well known friends by now, will be succesfull again,
and if anyone likes to contribute to the fun by puting on an act of his or her own, life singing or lipsing act, anything goes, as long as it is decent according to Thai Law, feel free to let us know and we will be more then happy to accomodate you!!

2d late evening/night party: 23d: Carnaval!!

J&B and More Bar
The place to unwind and relax. To meet new people and make new friends!!

Invites you

a one night only(!)
European, Latin-American/Brasilian
With surprise entertainment


Monday the 23th of February 2009

23.00 - ..........?

And you can create extra fun by dressing up any way you like, everything goes!!

More information: www.jbbarphuket.tk ,ergo this weblog ;-)
Phone: Rob 080 14 18 180 (Dutch, English, German)
Kik 084 690 8197 (Thai & Japanese)

Behind the Blue Dolphin in the centre of Paradise Complex in front of The Royal Paradise Hotel!


J&B's 2d Late Night Party: Carnaval !!!!!!

J&B Bar,The place to unwind and relax. To meet new people and make new friends!!
(in cooperation with More Bar)

Invites you
Belgium, French, Swiss, Austrian, Italian, German, Dutch, Latin, Caribean and Brazilian

Monday the 23d of February 2009

23.00 hour - .........?
With surprise entertainment

We invite everybody to join!
And to dress up in any way you like, everything goes!!

In Europe and Latin America carnaval is the biggest event around this time of year, so J&B would like to create just a one night only carnaval party here in Patong Beach to try to get and give you a little taste of the carnaval fun all around the world!!

And in case you forgot ;-) :
Behind the Blue Dolphin in the centre of Paradise Complex in front of The Royal Paradise Hotel!

More information: www.jbbarphuket.tk
Phone: Rob 080 14 18 180 (Dutch, English, German)
Kik 084 690 8197 (Thai & Japanese)


The Orange party, picture(s)

Kik doing his funny act during the show and causing quite some laughter in the audiance.
Now he enjoys being the clown a lot of the time, and well.... here he had a true appreciative and large audiance. And to be honest, I was proud of his daring and enthousiasm.
But not only of him, also of his friends/colleagues who clearly so enjoyed being with us and playing for us and our enjoyment.
Guys, you all were gems on a sparkling night at J&B's Orange party and we thank you for it!!

The Orange Party, picture(s)

And O, it was busy on the 31st... and ofcourse we were very happy that our Queen Beatrix Birthday celebration was so well received and enjoyed by an estimate of between 150 and 200 people... a record turn out for this corner of Paradise Complex here in Patong Beach Phuket Thailand!!
A chalenge await us with our next party..... because expectations now maybe created and which one has to see if one can live up to the next time ;-) ........ think we can do that, having learned a lot on and with this first party in the true sense of the word ;-)
By the way, everybody was looking here at Kik's second performance, in a funny show, which should allways be part of a Thai performance in whatever setting ;-)

The Orange Party, picture(s)

Leo, from Italy! Giving his second performance here, was a true success. He showed he dared and O did he enjoyed it! But then he also had a large crowd of admires with him who all turned out just to see him ..... and he didn't let them, and all our other guests of the party down!!
It was only too sad that the soundsystem didn't function as it should have, but that was a lesson learned for us for the next party!
Leo, you were great and we hope to see you again!

The Orange Party, picture(s)

Kik and friends from Simons, giving a wonderfull performance away! Kik surprised me by playing the main role in a Three Degree's number on the Orange Party. He was dressed in the dress he wore on our Thai Wedding Party on the eve of our THai marriage last november. KIk was shining like a starr. He and his freinds really enjoyed themselves and it really showed and made the public very enthousiastic! Definitly worth repeating if I say so myself !

The Orange Party. picture(s)

Michel(le) and Stephan(ie) beautifully transformed in two french ladyboys .......... and all geared up for The Orange Party on the 31st of January. They both got quite some attention and applause from all our visitors.............. sadly enough the two were too tempted to show of the result of their transformation so in the end they missed the highlight of the party with the big entertainment show and meting the other ladyboys who came to the party ............
BUT nonetheless they were a big succes and we applaud them for their efforts!!


First 'big' evening/night party of J&B a big succes!! Celebration of Queen Beatrix birthday!

Left: J&B and More bar more full then ever on the 1st Orange Party!

It was an evening never to forget for us at J&B, and ofcourse our friends of the More bar as well. J&B Bar organised on the 31st of January a birthdayparty in honour of HM Queen Beatrix of The Netherlands, who turned 71 years old. For Rob, one of the owners of J&B, it wastrue fun and honourable thing to do as a Dutch guy far away from home ;-)
Ofcourse J&B organised some great entertainment and typical dutch snacks for free. We at J&B had no idear what to expect, simply because such thing was never done in Paradise and outside the main gay soi..... but now, the day after, we can rest assured: the people knew how the find us and we are gratefull for that, because in the end its all the people turning up which makes a party succesfull, not us... how much we might like to think... we just created a framework for everybody to enjoy themselfs.

Kik surprised everybody with the entertainment he provided with his friends from Simon Cabaret, as some say the best cabaret entertainment group outside Bangkok....... and he did put op a show!! I have a feeling that for quite a while people will talk about this party. And not only because of the excellent show, which by the way had a great addition with Leo, from Italy, who did two magnificent numbers and showed that also when one gets older one can still make a heck of an impression on an audiance as spoiled as they are here in Phuket! But also because of the atmosphere! Andf that was not only caused by the people who were present, and the hard working staff of both the bars, but also the setting: Two bars opposite eachother between high buildings, creates also an atmosphere of intimacy which worked out extremely well.
More pictures will follow shortly, they often tell more then loads of words ;-)
ONly one downside one can mention when thinking of this first big party at J&B's: the soundsystem was not at all good....but it was the only stain on an otherwise perfect evening/night... and when we organise a second evening/night a much better soundsystem will be a must because specially for the performers and dancers it can not have bene much fun, the audiance didn't seem to mind, but then again that also had everything to do with the quality of the acts performed!!

Everybody who played a part in making this evening a sucess, and that includes all our visitors of that night, I/we thank you!!


The Orange parties, on the occasion of the birthday of HM Queen Beatrix of The Netherlands!! in Thai and English ;-)


เสาร์ที่ 31 มกราคม
quee Beatrix Of the netherland’s birthday.
เชิญร่วมเฉลิมฉลองเพื่อแสดงความยินดีกับ ราชินี Beatrix แห่งราชอาณาจักร เนเธอรแลนด์

ในเวลา 18.00น. ถึง เวลา 21.00น เชิญอิ่มอร่อยกับขนมขบเคี้ยวสไตล์ชาวดัทช

23.00 - ........?
เชิญผู้สนใจร่วมแต่งกายสีส้ม เพื่อมาประชันโฉมในงาน


Rob-080 14 18 180 Dutch, English, German
กิ๊ก-084 690 8197 Thai, Japan

ด้านหลัง Blue Dolphin Boy Massage & Guesthouse

J&B Bar,
in cooperation with More Bar
The place to unwind and relax. To meet new people and make new friends!!

Invites you
The celebrations of the birthday of Queen Beatrix of The Netherlands
On Saterday the 31th of januari

18.00 – 21.00 :
Join us in a toast on the good health and long life of the Queen of The Netherlands,
With typical Dutch drink and snacks!!

23.00 hour - .........:
The Orange party
with surprise entertainment

We invite everybody! And if you like to dress up as you think the Dutch Queen (should) look like, please do!
The persoon voted best “look like a Queen”, becomes the Orange Queen 2009 and will be awarded interesting prizes. In whatever outfit one chooses, orange element(s) should be visable

Behind the Blue Dolphin in the centre of Paradise Complex in front of The Royal Paradise Hotel!

More information: www.jbbarphuket.tk
Phone: Rob 080 14 18 180 (Dutch, English, German)
Kik 084 690 8197 (Thai & Japanese)


Hello and Goodbye.....

right: cutting of special cake for saying goodbye to our longtime customer Joel, and Arno, to the left of Joel, who leaves today for Berlin, Germany, with staff of J&B.... Rob, making picture and Kik, working at Simon Cabaret, ofcourse not visible, hehe

Well, thats what allways seem to be the situation when one has a bar in a tourist area like Patong Beach.
You allways welcome new arrivals with a smile and hope that your attitude, service, and being a good host, make them come back or even choose you as their starting point for whatever activities on whatever moment of the day!
If that happens, and a customer then also stays a real long time, well, then saying goodbye at the end of his stay is extra difficult.

Every time when we have to let go of good, pleasant and regular customers, who we enjoyed having, its holding ones hart because one feels the place won't be the same afterwards and one wonders if the atmosphere which had been created over the past week(s), can ben kept or even improved on.

Hence why every time such a special customer leaves we all wonder if and how we will go forward from there.... specialy me, and even more specially if its a fellow countryman.

last night we had such a farewell, and our regular customers know that when they left they received, at least those with whom we got the chance to, haha, a picture taken of them in our bar in whatever setting.
Thats a little sign of appreciation we try to make since we changed the system of the bar early december. We can only hope its as much fun for our guests to receive it as it is for us making and giving it!

But okay, since allmost the start of the 'new' J&B early december Joel, the dutch guy, and those who read this and visited our bar these last months, know whom I talk about here, had to leave us to go back to The Netherlands. All good things come to an end.
I can only express my gratitude towards Joel, because except that he was a good customer, that he voluntarily got many people to sit down in that of the beaten track located little (red)bar in the gay quarter of Patong Beach, Paradise Comple, he also offered and made our present website www.jbbarphuket.tk !! Ofcourse, he on his part appologised that the website was very simpel etc (blablabla) becaus ehe had only his simpel laptop with him with few to no special programs..... well, that might be the case, we were simply very happy because it was a very stimulating gift which also gave us a more independent feeling and maybe also attitude towards others, mainly the businesses around us....... and we seem to be the only gaybar here who has now his own website............mmmm, possibilities??? who knows... lets see, first everybody must find his or her way to our website and preferably the bar itself, O and who knows they also will read, one day, this little entry ;-)

Well... as you see, in more then one way a special customer and therefor by exception, this little piece about "hello" and "goodbye"


Gay Bingo Straight at J&B's

Two of our Dutch customers, Theo and Toine battling it out (picture)

The thai version of Bingo was again the focus of our attention this week, and we used it also to introduce again our naughty coffees t our customers. We keep on making promotion for our coffee and tea menu to try to get it into the minds of our visitors here that they can get good, decent coffee in a gay bar in Paradise complex!
The Gay Bingo tournament was less succesfull as the first one in December, BUT we were still happy and enjoyed fun and exciting bingo games like those between the two Dutch guys in the picture.

But allready were are thinking about our first ful evening event, the birthday of the Queen of The Netherlands saterday the 32st of January!


This comming friday, in Thai language ;-) !!

เจ แอนด์ บี บาร์


วันศุกร์ที่ 23 มกราคม 2552

ขอเชิญท่านร่วมแข่งขัน เกย์ บิงโก ทัวร์นาเมนท์

ในเ้วลา 18.30น.ถึงเวลา 20.30น. เ้พื่อชิงรางวัลและของสมนาคูณมากมาย
ฟรีกาแฟสด สไตร์ยุโรป สำหรับผู้เข้ารน่วแข็งขัน

17.00น-20.00น. เครื่องดื่มทุกชนิด ซื้อ 1 แถมฟรีอีก 1.
01.00 ถึงนาทีสุดท้าย เครื่องดื่มทุกชนิด ลด 25 %

ติต่อได้ที่ 0826908197 n” KIk
0801418180 Rob


J&B's program for the remainder of January!

Left: The first winner of our Gay BIngo Tournament, in december 2008. The only woman taking part beat all her gay contestants, with her clever play and her charm!

After our reasonable succesful Coffee & Tea Party on the 16th, we can now present our program for the remainder of January 2009:

Friday the 23d of January:
Gay 'Bingo Straight' Tournament
, starting 6.30 pm till around 8.30 pm. This Thai Bingo is also known as 4 in a row! Become Mr Gay Bingo January 2009! You can enroll by e-mail or at the bar, at any time up till we start!!
A free Naughty Coffee for all who take part in our Bingo Tournament!!

Saterday (!!) the 31st of January:
Queen Beatrix of The Netherlands Birthday Party
. Come toast iwth us on the health of the Queen of The Netherlands, with typical Dutch snacks. Starting 6 pm till latest 9 pm!
And join us in our Orange Party and take part in our Queen Beatrix look-a-like contest, from midnight till latest 2 am! Take part and become elected as the Orange Queen of 2009!
Free interpretation of the Dutch Queen is allowed ofcourse ;-)


Coffee & Tea party at J&B's and intro of new pricelist and menu

Well, thats the plan!
We will try to launch our new Lounging Area 'officially' TODAY with a real coffee & tea party between 6 and 9 pm! Also introducing then our new coffee making machine which produces much better coffee, I can guarantee that, then the previous one ;-)
Ofocurse we will serve our coffee/tea with cookies and chocolats and ofcourse our customers can order the 'one time only' cocktail of J&B's, the strong variation of a more well known cocktail. But if you are nearby, drop in and find out, I would say ;-)
Also we will be introducing the new price list of J&B's next to our brand new coffee and tea menu!
This last one shows a whole range of naughty coffees, as I like them for one, haha. Coffee with wiskeys, liqueurs, et. and the possibilities to create your own special naughty coffee ofcourse!

The general price list has not changed that much though, e view prices had to go up, and a view simply had to come down, at least in my opinion, so all in all its more balanced... but is it perfect: Ofcourse not, who's is??

Hope to hear/read you soon!


1st of January, a late short report ;-)

The first day of the new year started with being sleeping longtime because of the late New Years Eve we all had.
Kik works at Simon Cabaret, aand regularly people for Simon also come to our bar, to relax and unwind after a hard day/evening of work.
Last year Kik and I joined the Simon people in their traditional round to all the larger cabaret/go-go bars here in Patong, and as the then only farang it was special to experience this special tradition by Phukets most famous and one of Thailands best cabaret theater companies! Every bar visited received a special gift from Simon Cabaret for the new year.

This year Kik and I were not invited, everything went different compared with the previous years....... now a large group, not all like last year, of Simons went very quick to all the bars to present them with Simons new year gift of 2009.
BUT this time they came to our bar last, and the first time they as such a visit to J&B Bar.
We were honored and happy with their visit and were very happy to receive their new year gift!

Specially for Kik it felt weird, to receive his bosses and collegues he had worked with as usual earlier in the evening, in our bar in his capacity as co-owner of J&B together with me.
We were invited same time to join the Simon Cabaret NY party at Galaxy Disco elsewhere in Patong after the closing of our bar.
And so another late night followed for Kik and me, but again a happy one!


Our new website!!!

J&B Bar has launched, in close cooperation with Joel from Holland, to whom many thanks for making our , hopefully informative website! The adres of the website : www.jbbarphuket.tk !!!
We also have our own e-mailadres as well: jbbarphuket@gmail.com !

Feel free to comment, and any suggestions are most welcome... everything to improve ourselves, on the web or with the J&B Bar itself, are most welcome!!

Take good care guys, and hope to see you (again) one day!!

The launching off J&B's weblog connected to our website!!

Yep, well... maybe we just start this weblog just to avoid keeping writing newsletters.
We, or should I say I, are going to do our best to enter as regular as is possible!

Also because for the time being I have been told our website will be rather static, so it was regarded best to simply start a weblog connected to our website and via this weblog keep everybody up to date!

Ofcourse we could have created an highly advanced website, but such things not only cost money and time, but also needs the knowledge to work on it (or do they say moderate?)..... something which is not easily learned by me and some would say a total waste of time, haha.
The website, though as simple as it may be, was a gift from our customer Joel from Holland, who appologises every time that the website is as simple as it is, but then he had only his 'simple' laptop with him with only his 'simple' programming software....... well that may be, for me it al looked highly advanced, but then I am a computer illiterate, haha
And so we came to use a weblog, because I allready try to keep two weblogs here, so a third would be okay and easy enough... for me that is ;-)

On this weblog I will enter the latest news from in and around J&B's, in sometimes quick, short messages, sometimes longer (so you might think I'm writing a novel), also I'll do my best to add pictures in those weblog entries.

Also I will make announcements of latest planned activities, as well as ofcourse making reports how those activities went ;-)

I hope all readers will feel free to comment when they feel comments comming up, and as all our guests at J&B found out allready, we enjoy constructive critizism, because it will only help us to improve the functioning of our bar as a (purple) meeting point for the gay men and women of Phuket, here on holliday or permanently.

Same time you get the chance to peep in Rob's two other weblogs connected to this one, simply because thats how I started this J&B Bars weblog, haha... so have fun with reading and maybe even commenting!

And ofcourse we at J&B hope to meet all your readers one day again or for the first time!!

Take very good care,
stay safe and sane
and se you one day in Patong (again!)
